It started out with something as vague as an idea. The idea grew into a goal for a group of people sharing the same passion. And in August 27, 2023, that goal became a reality when the Ford Everest Club of the Philippines (FECP) achieved the Guinness World Record of the Largest Car Horn Ensemble.
Back tracking three months to when the idea was first came up. With the FECP 6th anniversary celebration coming up, the club’s president, thought it would be a great idea for the club to make the attempt.
After several consultations with people concerned, the short time frame was initially considered impossible to work with. But the club put their collective backs into the special club project. After getting the green light for the record attempt from the people at Guinness, it was time to prepare for the attempt. Potential sponsors were spoken to, the venue selected and things just fell into place.
Come the day of the attempt, the club members came in droves and lined up their vehicles. In excess of 2,000 individuals composed of club members, family and friends came to the New Clark City Aquatic Center in Tarlac City for the record attempt. The aquatic center’s ticketing booth became the registration center for the participating members and their families.
Prior to the making the attempt, club members and their families occupied the 2,000 person capacity bleachers area of the aquatic facility to be briefed by Jay Cruz and Norie Gotis, FECP officers. They were also addressed by Atty. Agnes Devanadera, CDC (Clark Development Corporation) president and CEO. They also met Kazuyoshi Kirimura, Guinness World Record Adjudicator, who will oversee the record attempt.
After the briefing, registered drivers were allowed to practice blowing their horns to the tune of “Philippine Jeepney/Let’s Go”. Only the drivers of the SUVs were allowed to be inside the vehicles during the attempt. After a few practice ‘runs’, the official attempt was done on their first try with the GWR Adjudicator present to oversee the record-breaking attempt. The whole attempt was over and done in 1min+ with 1,077 Ford Everests doing the attempt. The previous record was held by the Mini of Grand Rapids with 400 Minis present back in August 3, 2013.
After the attempt, everyone ate lunch and prepared to roll out to the club’s second destinations of the day, the Subic Bay International Airport. SBMA graciously hosted the FECP members to one of the facilities be the final destination. The 1200+ registered FECP members were able to go inside the airport and travel the length of the taxi runway.
Even though torrential rain was experienced all through the night everyone was in high spirits when the announcement was made that they captured the world record. Ford Philippines’ Managing Director, Mike Breen, was even present thanking everyone for their patience during the event as this is also a milestone for everyone, as the Ford Everest is one of the Filipinos choice as part of the mobility partner.
FECP’s President, Jay Cruz presented special plaque of appreciation to each of their partners Motul Philippines’ Peter Yung, Bybit Philippines’ Tim Gonzales, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) Chairman’s Jonathan Tan, Ford Philippines’ Mike Breen.
The moment that everyone present was really becoming the reality as the Guinness World Record Adjudicator finally went up to the stage to announce whether or not FECP did the impossible. The adjudicator gave his speech and FECP broke the record with the official 1,077 Ford Everest.
Full set of photos are here. Ford Everest Club Philippines’ 6th Anniversary celebrations and World Record Attempt is sponsored by Motul lubricants in partnership with Bybit, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), Ford Group Philippines, and the Laus Auto Group and in cooperation with North Luzon Expressway (NLEX), PAPH Travel & Tours, MN Geotechnical Trading, Inc., Standard Insurance, RMBP, MySip Energy Drink, New Clark City, Clark Development Corporation (CDC), Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) and RCBC Bank.